Field Trips and Group Visits
What will you discover?
We foster an appreciation of Delmarva's distinctive natural and cultural heritage through exploration, education, and imagination.
How to Get Started
Please note: Field trips are arranged in the order of confirmation responses received, following a first-come, first-served approach.


Student - $7, plus $2 per program
Teacher/Staff - Free
Chaperones/Parents - $5

Please contact our Education Department at least two weeks in advance of the date of your desired field trip at (410) 957-9933, or e-mail Fieldtrips@DelmarvaDiscoveryCenter.org. You may also inquire by filling out a contact sheet using the button below.

Please read our Field Trip Packet
Please be aware of the new deposit & payment policy required for all field trips.
If the field trip is not paid in full the date of the event; a $50.00 deposit will need to be collected before the field trip is scheduled.
Thank you for your understanding!
Field Trip Programs

Animal Programs
Learn more about the animals that inhabit Delmarva
Otter Program
Learn all about the native North American River Otter with Mac and Tuck. Each program can be specialized based on the age group of the students.
Sharks & Rays
This program will let students discover why sharks are needed in our
ecosystems, what species of sharks we have native to area and learn
about our ambassador shark who although is not native still helps to
spread awareness for all sharks.
Fashion a Fish (Grades 3 & up)
Cold Blooded Friends
This program lets students meet and learn about some of the native
reptiles and amphibians we have here on Delmarva with help from our
ambassador animals.
Predators of Delmarva
Learn all about three of the native predators (Great Horned Owl, Coyote
and North American River Otters) that we have here in Delmarva by
exploring what they eat and what habitats they live in. By learning about
where an animal lives we can play a game by taking a food source and
guessing what animal will eat what based off of what habitat they are
found in. This is an introduction to food webs.
Students will learn about adaptations of fish to their environments, how adaptations can help fish survive in their habitats and why adaptations are important.
Discovery Programs
How do we affect Delmarva?
Cyprus Swamp Tour
Use your observational skills to find clues in the natural world along the Pocomoke River that reveal the living things around us! Identify different native and invasive plant species as we walk through the 1.5 mile long trail. Note- in case of inclement weather, we do ask that you have an alternate activity picked.
Nature Detectives
Perfect for Pre-K through 1st Grade
Discover how we can use our senses to explore the world around us. Use your senses of touch, sight, and hearing to uncover the mystery objects, and become a nature detective!
Recycle Delmarva
Children learn what a healthy beach looks like and how they can recycle trash into something new. Various Delmarva native shells, eggs, and fossils are discussed and students learn what they could find along a local beach.
Indigenous Peoples Program
Learn about the first people to inhabit the Delmarva Peninsula and how they were able to survive without modern technology. Discover how they used their natural resources to live and play.